Wednesday, April 30, 2008

11. Dodge & Burn

043008_2847, originally uploaded by steve_kurth.

Time: 6:20
Location: Salisbury
Mood: Hopeful

I ordered a new Wacom tablet. I'm looking forward to using it to do some photo retouching. I haven't done much if anything to most of these sky shots. Photoshopping seems dishonest somehow.

But the more stuff I see on-line, the more I think some PS is OK. In fact, I think you need to do some to look your best. Kind of a steroids argument there, but there you have it.

The philosophy on these that I'm taking is that if I could do it in a traditional studio, it's ok to do a little in Photoshop. So, I've dodged and burned and adjusted exposure, but I avoid cloning things or moving around content.

That said, I didn't bother doing much to this at all. The sky is too generous. But I am looking forward to that tablet...

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