Sunday, April 13, 2008

4. Too Slow

041308_2068, originally uploaded by steve_kurth.

Tim: 7am
Location: back porch
Mood: excited

I took this in my underwear. It was the first thing I did this morning. Great light that only got part of here.

Across the bridge behind the house in this shot there's a larger chunk of marsh. In it there's this large, cool rock that I'm always thinking about. It often has a small, windswept tidal pool in front of it. So I pell-mell into clothes and haul ass over there.

Too late.

This shot was taken at 6:59am. By 7:10 the whole thing had changed, flattened and fell apart. Of course I shot anyway, but there's nothing to report.

This is the second time this has happened like this. Last time it was my drive home. Crazy, tiny squalls brewing and collapsing all the way home. Once again, by the time I had my gear in the car it had passed.

It's like the sky is camera-shy. I gotta be quicker.

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