Sunday, December 7, 2008

26 Zero Out

120408_5638, originally uploaded by steve_kurth.

My photography resolution this year is to remember to zero my damn camera out.

Zeroing out is returning all the settings back to what you like to start with. I spent a couple hours hiking through the park yesterday taking shots. Great, except that they were all shot at 1250 iso and fluorescent white balance. I remember thinking it was bright out, but the numbers were goofy. That's what I get for being lazy and shooting aperture priority instead of full manual. It was too bright to really see the display correctly, but that's why you think and zero out.

Ugh. Lazy and stupid.

The other thing I learned is that instead of hauling a backpack which basically only had an extra lens in it, I'm just going to bring the d40 along. One wide one long. It will look lame but switching lenses in the woods is clumsy and risky.

Anyway. None of that has much to do with this nice sunrise. It's snowing out now. An article on Strobist had a throw away line about deciding what kind of photography you want to do. I've been thinking about that. I shoot skies and plants because they are around me. I want to shoot more people. Maybe I'll hate it, but I want to try. That should be photo resolution #2

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