Saturday, August 16, 2008

20 Quick Storm

081608_4175, originally uploaded by steve_kurth.

Time: 4pm
Location: Salisbury
Mood: astounded

The neighborhood kids heralded the storm with toy megaphones. Droning repeatedly to the empty marsh " A storm is coming! A storm is coming!"

The preamble was great; a black and white bank moving quickly right at us. Lightning and thunder interspersed and a struck so quickly it was hard to keep track of which report corresponded to each strike. It got overhead of us before the rain. It was like being in the eye of a hurricane. No wind, but these crazy, giant folding patterns all around.

Then it hit hard; rain drops were the size of silver dollars. But within minutes the bulk of it it hid slid out to sea, taking the gleeful drama with it and leaving the sky a flat pewter. Now the cold and now the wind. The price of the show.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

19 More Rain

081208_4132, originally uploaded by steve_kurth.

Time: 8:15pm
Location: Salisbury
Mood: Mostly positive but restless

It's been raining a lot and my mood has been up and down. I'm going a little stir crazy I guess, but who do I really have to blame for that?

Summer is almost over and what have I done?

That's not totally true, I've done a bunch of stuff. But still I'm restless. I need to fix things.