Saturday, June 14, 2008

17. Construction Site

061408_3594, originally uploaded by steve_kurth.

Time: 7:30am
Location: Boston
Mood: Excited

I'd say overall I screwed this up. My friend's neighbor was a foreman ay a construction site and was cool enough to take us up. We shot from the 33rd floor of this building they are makibng into condos.

This shot will be the view from the penthouse I imagine.

I went into it with a plan, but when I got there, I didn't think, didn't look, didn't slow down. I thought about the view I was seeing, not the picture I was making and they really arent the same thing.

Don't get me wrong: I'm still psyched. I just wish I had a stronger outing.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

16. Long Weekend

It was a pretty good weekend. Family was in town, we took the little boat for a couple spins, we toured Portsmouth and had a pretty great time all around. I met my Aunt for pretty much the first time.

Weird to be around someone who looks so much like my Moms. Strange to think of her as a sister, too I guess. Today was a lazy Sunday. Took some bird photos in the morning, watched the game and slept in the afternoon, did some work this evening. Easy. Peaceful. Nice.